Sunday, June 9, 2013

B&W Sunday: Gentle Leader

I am on the mend and finally back to taking walks! That's the good news! Bad news is that the Lady I rescued thinks we both have the patience to learn how to walk with a Gentle Leader. My vet recommended this after she tattled on me about how bad I pull on the leash. Stay tuned!

Love Dolly the Doxie (mix)


  1. You will have to keep us posted, glad you are feeling better.

  2. Oh Doxie...good luck with the gentle leader. Glad you are on the mend.

  3. Your mom did it! Glad you had a chance to go for a walk. Will see you soon. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Oh you mean the red highlights? Boy did she waste time trying to do that. Love Dolly

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Don't worry, it isn't as bad as you think. I've learned that when I want to drag my Human, I can stiffen my neck and GO!!! I think she gave up on that silly halter thingy.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. I have this sit down and move my head thing, she hates it and hopes I won't get away with it now. Love Dolly

  5. Dolly glad you are out and about again but LOL not the halti. Those are torture devices. I showed my peeps who was boss and she gave up on it. Too right. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. I hear you, I am the boss too that's why she makes me wear a pinch collar. Which I don't mind, but this? Love, Dolly

  6. you will get use to it Dolly - it will just take a little time - but think of all the great walks while you learn :)

    1. Well I guess that makes it better right? Love, Dolly

  7. Yes! You can master this and you will be able to go so many new places and explore!

    1. Thanks that makes me feel lots better! Love Dolly

  8. You look so sweet, Dolly - but very uncertain! Hope all goes well :)

  9. We had very good luck with a gentle leader for our beagle who was a real puller. He doesn't pull any more as he is older, so we don't have to use it now (or maybe it trained him not to pull). He hated it though, and used to try to look pathetic when we put it on him! :)

    1. I may be part Beagle so this is good to hear! I am almost 3 mom thought I should be over this now! Love Dolly

    2. Not to discourage your Mom, but I don't think Kobi got better until he was at least 8 or older. Maybe you'll learn quicker though! :)
      I wondered if you might be part beagle....something in the way you look reminds me of Kobi!

  10. Glad you are on the mend. I remember trying to get dogs used to GLs at the shelter I volunteered. It was a painful process to be sure - at least with some. Hoping it goes better soon.

    Love the splash of color in the picture.

  11. Had to catch up on your last few posts since your heroic (and terrifying for Mama) leap...
    So glad to hear that you are well enough to be approved for walks again!
    A Gentle Leader? Oh my... good luck! My two pull as well, but their harnesses help a lot... help them to pull us better, that is ;). They are not very patient for us to put them on, because they're always SO excited for walkies.
    Nola covered all the "Doxie Rules" on your Week's Rest post, so I won't repeat them. We had to really learn to play by the rules around here after Li'l Girl had disc surgery in January 2012. She recovered wonderfully, but ever since then, the rules are everything! I don't know if you remember me mentioning Austin's jump that happened a few weeks ago, but it was so unexpected (and unbelievable). Maybe I'll tell the story in a Monday Mischief post, but I was too embarrassed to post about it at the time. We're lucky he's a tough guy. That kind of jump would've been a completely different story for Li'l Girl.
    Anyway, I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well enough for walks again! Keep us updated on how the Gentle Leader thing works out. I can tell you that my two would NOT like it a bit. We've never tried it, and hope we never need to. You look very strong, though, so I understand that mama needs something to help with you pulling.

    1. Coincidently mom was too embarrassed to admit my leap also, and told white lies to the vet and my dad about how high and what I jumped from. Since I am a mix breed she had never been concerned about back problems, but probably should be now. We still prefer the pinch collar but will always look for alternatives. Love dolly

  12. Dolly, you gots to learn to open your mouth as wide as possible, so they can't put it on. Bites did that so that thingy went away and now he has a simple two strap harness around his front legs that snap on top of his back, he walks well with that!


    1. Thanks guys for the great advice! Love Dolly

  13. Hi Dolly, let us know how you do with the gentle leader! We sometimes use one on Luna, but never have tried one on Penny.

  14. So happy to hear that you are better and back to walking. At least the new gentle leader is a pretty, bright red. You look marvelous in red!

    1. Thanks there's a good side to everything! Love Dolly

  15. Well I never, you go to the trouble to rescue a human and then they take advantage, tattle tale on you and try to use gentle leaders. How ungrateful :)

  16. Hey Dolly, gosh, we are so sorry to read about your trials - we have been out of dog blogville over the past weeks so we didn't know you were so pawly. We hope you are better soon. The gentle leader is not my favourite thing either - in fact, She gave up on it after a week but I have a harness now (which is a wee bit better) - She says She hopes that you are better behaved than I was with my gentle leader!



    1. Thanks Groucho I am hoping that she gives up on it too! I am even worse with harnesses! Love Dolly

  17. you poor baby! Maybe you will only have to wear it temporarily? I am sure it is to help you. Hoping you feel better soon! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  18. If I have a collar I pull like the wind, so she has a harness, funny I don't pull on that.. Glad youz feeling better :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie
